8 ways to increase Telegram membership

8 ways to increase Telegram membership



You can use two different methods to delete Telegram chat history (Clear History). In the first method, the steps are as follows:


Launch your Telegram app.

Find the chat window you want and place your finger on it and hold it down until the sound of a small vibration is felt and a drop-down menu appears at the bottom of the screen. On some phones, after holding, you need to click on the three points that appear.

In this section, select the Clear history option marked with the "sweep" symbol.

In the pop-up window that appears, select the Ok option.

Learn how to delete messages from Telegram chat for everyone.

One of the most popular methods that many channels are currently using is to buy telegram members and This way, not only will your channel"s display number go up,but it will also have a big impact on your channel"s traffic or increase your sales and revenue through your Telegram channel.


Telegram is one of the most popular social networks among Persian speakers, which has more than 40 million users in Iran. The popularity of this social network is growing with each update. One of the most popular updates was the ability to "build a telegram channel." In this article, we are going to teach you the best ways to increase your Telegram membership.

Stay tuned


Free methods to increase Telegram channel members and members

There are several ways to increase channel membership, some of which can be done easily and for free with the tricks we"re talking about here, but some can be done for a fee (such as buying ads from popular channels). Anyway, we"ll cover all the sections.


Add contacts to increase channel membership

Once you"ve created a channel, you can add up to 200 people to your audience on the channel. Please note that you can use this method when your channel is 0 members. You will no longer be able to use this method if you have added your channel to +2011 in other ways.


Increase channel members by buying real members

One of the most popular methods that many channels are currently using is to increase Telegram membership purchases. This way, not only will your channel"s display number go up, but it will also have a big impact on your channel"s traffic or increase your sales and revenue through your Telegram channel.



Exchange with other channels

Once the number of your members reaches an acceptable figure, you can just enter the exchange with other telegram channels. To do this, our suggestion is to try and sometimes spend your channel members to +2000 people, then look for your peers who have the same number of members, and if they have a way to communicate, contact them and request. Exchange links.

It should be noted that doing too much will cause your member to fall or mutate and your channel will drop.


Put interesting content along with the link to the channel channel

Your user is there for your content, so always try to spend a lot of time generating and preparing the content, because if your content is relevant, the user will forward it to your groups and friends, and this will attract the user to you, but one Another important point is to always put the channel address at the end of your content. If you don"t have a problem with the character restriction, try linking to the channel link, because by adding the link link, more people will be added to your channel, otherwise be sure to put your channel address as a half user (ourYourUserName). For beauty, download telegram app for you can also use popular and related emojis and emoticons next to your channel address.


Increase Telegram channel member with site help

Another way to increase channel membership is to buy a pop-up member. If you have a site or blog that is visited daily, you can share your channel address at the top of the site and at the end of each article with your users ask them to join your channel.


Of course, before doing so, put good and unique content in your channel with proper planning, because the user is not interested in yellow or duplicate content.